August 17, 2008

The Project.

I am really looking foward to this little project. I'm curious as to how our minds will clash, but more importantly, how our minds will make the story flow together and just.. work.

This idea started out with 1Lee as a short movie. I'm glad he accepted my idea of working on this together as a story as opposed to a movie. Of course, in the way that we write the story, it can be easily be turned into a movie. Keep that in mind while you are reading it.

My goal is to try to write in a way so that you can envision the scene how I want you to see it. It's a challenge, and I hope I'm doing it in a good way.. concise and not totally retarded. You be the judge. If you read my posts [I can't say this for 1Lee; I am not sure how he would feel about it] brutally criticize all you can to make it better. Ok well only do that if you feel like it.

But not only is this continuing effort to improve my writing skills, it's also a way for me to see what it's like to collaborate with someone else for something that usually seems like a one person thing. Exploring, combining, and molding ideas into one cohesive story is what this is all about, and I'm excited about how it will turn out.

Will you ever really -talk- to the 'regular?' Will you really know who he is? Does anyone really know?

So read the Foreward to get to know the idea.. and read our story.

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